In a noteworthy turn of events, acclaimed actor Manoj Bajpayee is set to make waves in the cinematic realm in 2024, following an eventful 2023 marked by diverse releases such as “Gulmohar,” “Joram,” and “Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai.” The actor, known for his versatile roles, is poised to continue this trend with a string of projects slated for the upcoming year.
Among his upcoming releases is “Killer Soup,” a collaboration with Konkona Sen Sharma, the intriguing “Silence… Can You Hear It?,” director Raam Reddy’s enigmatic “Pahadon Mein,” and Kanu Behl’s gripping investigative thriller “Despatch.” Notably, Bajpayee is also involved in a home production titled “Bhaiyyaji,” produced under Aurega Studios, headed by his wife Shabana and business partner Vikram Khakhar. Interestingly, the actor has not only donned the hat of an actor but has delved into the realm of writing, penning the screenplay for “Bhaiyyaji.”
In a recent interview with Mid-day, Bajpayee shed light on the film, describing “Bhaiyyaji” as a larger-than-life character hailing from the hinterlands of North India, inspired by a true incident. He shared that the script had been brewing in his mind for years, initially envisioned as a middle-of-the-road movie. However, director Apoorv Singh Karki, who previously collaborated with Bajpayee on “Sirf Ek Bandaa..,” envisioned it as an action-packed entertainer. Despite their strong association, Bajpayee embraced Karki’s vision, emphasizing that the film is a mainstream, formulaic production featuring ample action, yet not devoid of his artistic sensibilities.
Disclosing that he co-wrote the screenplay with Deepak Kingrani, Bajpayee revealed his earlier foray into writing during his theater days but had discontinued the practice. The actor’s return to writing for “Bhaiyyaji” marks a compelling chapter in his multifaceted career.