In a significant move, the much-anticipated Jeethu Joseph directorial, ‘Neru,’ featuring the iconic Mohanlal in the lead role, is gearing up for its digital premiere on Disney Plus Hotstar. The courtroom drama, originally released in theaters, is set to start streaming on January 23rd, 2024, as confirmed by Mohanlal himself.
Taking to social media, the film’s makers officially announced the digital release with the message, “Catch the gallant court drama ‘Neru.’ Streaming on Disney + Hotstar, January 23rd, 2024, onwards.”
‘Neru,’ the fourth collaboration between Mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph, has attained blockbuster status, crossing the remarkable $100 million mark. Since its theatrical release on December 21, the film achieved a significant milestone, grossing over Rs 100 crore in worldwide box office collections within just 34 days. Expressing gratitude to the audience, the film’s team shared the achievement on social media, stating, “Grateful for all the love! #Neru joins the 100 crore club. Thank you to the amazing audience, cinephiles, and supporters across the globe. The dynamic trio has done it once again.”
Critics have lauded ‘Neru,’ with a notable rating of 4.5 out of 5. In a review, it was stated, “If you are looking for a classy, massy film, no one does it better than Jeetu Joseph. He delivers something that not only gives you an adrenaline spike but also gets you emotionally invested. This could be considered even superior to the Drishyam franchise and is sure to give a pan-Indian boost to Malayalam content. Unlike Drishyam, Neru has a more realistic story and merits this. Nonetheless, it is no less massy and will appeal to all audiences.”