Renowned Indian actor Mohanlal, a confirmed guest for the grand inaugural ceremony of Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir, surprised fans and followers by opting out of the historic event. Alongside other notable celebrities from the Indian cinema industry, Mohanlal’s absence raised questions.
The acclaimed actor’s decision to skip the ceremony was attributed to his current focus on promotional activities in Kerala and Dubai for the highly anticipated film, ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban,’ directed by Lijo Jose Pellissery. Mohanlal, who confirmed his busy schedule through a tweet stating “Varaar,” is actively engaged in promoting the action drama.
Following the promotional events, Mohanlal is slated to travel to the United States for the scheduled filming of ‘L2 Empuraan.’ The actor’s tight professional commitments and packed calendar resulted in his unavoidable absence from the significant Ram Mandir inauguration.
Despite facing criticism for missing the prestigious event, Mohanlal has maintained a dignified silence, emphasizing that his absence was solely due to his demanding work schedule. Notably, other prominent South Indian celebrities also cited similar reasons for their non-attendance.
As Mohanlal continues to achieve success in his cinematic pursuits, fans eagerly anticipate the release of ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban’ and other upcoming projects. The film is set to hit theaters on January 23, with impressive pre-sales exceeding Rs 1 crore, adding to the excitement surrounding the actor’s busy and promising cinematic journey.