Tovino Thomas’ latest release “Nadikar,” directed by Lal Jr., premiered in cinemas on May 3rd, generating significant attention among moviegoers. However, despite the anticipation, the film’s box office performance on its opening day fell short of expectations, with a reported collection of Rs 1.35 crore, according to Sacnilk. The India net collection for the first day mirrored this figure.
On the following day, May 4th, early estimates suggested that “Nadikar” earned Rs 75 lakh, bringing its total collection to Rs 2.12 crore. Despite these figures being deemed decent, they didn’t meet the anticipated levels.
The film’s Saturday release witnessed an overall 18.00% occupancy in Malayalam cinemas, with varying turnouts for morning, afternoon, evening, and night shows. Starring Tovino Thomas in the lead role, “Nadikar” also features Soubin Shahir, Bhavana Menon, Suresh Krishna, and Balu Varghese in key roles.
With a global release across 1000+ screens, “Nadikar” aimed to captivate audiences worldwide. ETimes gave the film a rating of 3 out of 5, highlighting its portrayal of protagonist David Padikkal’s glamorous life and the blend of humor and foreshadowing. Despite some inconsistencies in the writing and execution, the film’s entertainment value was upheld by Tovino Thomas’ charismatic presence on screen.
In summary, “Nadikar” presented an engaging narrative, though it fell short of being a cinematic masterpiece, delivering an entertaining experience for viewers.