Renowned choreographer and actor Nagendra Prasad has found himself embroiled in a controversy after a complaint was filed against him by a tenant. The complainant accused Prasad of fraudulent activities, sparking a public outcry against the well-known artist. In a recent media interaction, Nagendra Prasad took the opportunity to shed light on the issue and present his side of the story.
Prasad, the owner of a house in Chennai, had enlisted the services of an agency to manage the property, fetching him a monthly rental income of Rs 36,000. However, trouble ensued when the agency failed to remit payments to the actor for over a year, and attempts to seek clarification were met with silence.
Upon further investigation, Nagendra Prasad discovered that his property had been leased out rather than rented, and the tenants allegedly paid Rs 25 lakh to the agency to secure occupancy. Seeking an amicable resolution, Prasad engaged in discussions with the tenants, explaining his predicament and proposing a compromise. Despite his efforts, the tenants opted to file a case against the agency, demanding the return of the Rs 25 lakh and refusing to vacate the premises until their claim was settled.
Frustrated by the prolonged disagreement, Nagendra Prasad took matters into his own hands by installing a new door, preventing the tenants from accessing the property. This shift intensified the conflict, redirecting the focus from the dispute between Prasad and the agency to a direct confrontation between the actor and his tenants.
The situation is further complicated by Nagendra Prasad’s financial struggles, as he expressed dependence on the rental income to meet essential financial obligations, including EMIs and other needs. Additionally, Prasad harbors suspicions that the tenant and agency may be colluding to deceive him.
It is noteworthy that Nagendra Prasad is the younger brother of esteemed choreographers Raju Sundaram and Prabhu Deva. The ongoing dispute raises questions about the complexities of property management and highlights the challenges faced by public figures in navigating such personal and financial controversies.