Actress Neha Sharma has penned a heartfelt birthday note for her sister Aisha, celebrating her special day on January 25. The ‘Solo’ actress took to her Instagram handle, sharing a candid picture with the birthday girl and expressing gratitude, saying, “Happy birthday, baby sister… Thank you for always inspiring and forging a path less traveled, always making you the unicorn we all need.”
Neha Sharma’s note reflects the profound connection she shares with her sister, referring to Aisha as her sunshine girl. She added, “May you forever be this rare, crazy, mad, fun, child-woman who is sensitive yet so strong. I’m not the one with words, but you know what you mean to me, and I love you no matter how many disagreements we may have. I will always come to you, @aishasharma25, #sunshinegirl, #myaquababy, #siblinglove.”
The sisters, known for their fashion-forward approach and fitness enthusiasm, often share glimpses of their workout sessions on social media. Aisha Sharma is set to celebrate her birthday with a wellness-focused celebration in Sri Lanka, joined by siblings Neha Sharma and Vaibhav.
On the professional front, Neha Sharma’s latest project was ‘Jogira Sara Ra Ra’. The siblings are recognized as a stylish sister duo, frequently seen hitting the gym together, showcasing their fitness routines, and setting fashion trends in the industry.