In the midst of Anant Ambani’s pre-wedding festivities, a noteworthy moment unfolded as Nita Ambani engaged in a Gujarati language lesson with none other than singer Diljit Dosanjh. Amidst Dosanjh’s on-stage performance of his popular hits, he graciously took a pause to partake in a spontaneous crash course led by Nita Ambani herself. A video shared on Instagram captured the interaction, showcasing Nita initiating a conversation with Diljit in Gujarati, inquiring about his well-being. Diljit responded effortlessly, but when queried about his place of origin in Gujarati, he candidly admitted to struggling with comprehension.
In the video, Nita went on to provide the translation for her question, asking, “Where do you live?” Diljit’s unexpected yet charming comeback, “Where do I live? I live in people’s hearts,” left Nita Ambani visibly impressed.
Beyond his linguistic endeavors, Diljit Dosanjh managed to evoke a blush from Kareena Kapoor during the festivities. In a separate Instagram video, the singer playfully compared Kareena to international icons Beyoncé and Rihanna, declaring, “There might be Beyonce and there might be Rihanna, but we have her,” prompting a shy reaction from Kareena. Subsequently, Diljit serenaded her with his hit track “Proper Patola,” with Saif Ali Khan joining the festivities.
Adding to the star-studded affair, Diljit was also captured dancing with Bollywood stalwart Shah Rukh Khan and his daughter, actress Suhana Khan. The duo swayed to the beats of Diljit’s chart-topping song “Lover,” creating a viral moment that captivated the online audience. The video showcased the charismatic chemistry between the Punjabi singer and the iconic Khan family, resonating with fans across the globe.