Renowned South Indian actor Prabhas, who recently graced the silver screen with the pan-Indian action drama ‘Salaar: Cease Fire,’ has witnessed immense success since its theatrical release on December 15. Directed by the acclaimed Prashanth Neel, the film’s digital premiere on a popular platform has further amplified its reach, captivating audiences in multiple languages.
Following the overwhelming response to ‘Salaar Part 1: Cease Fire’ on the digital platform, Prashanth Neel’s wife, Likitha, engaged with fans in an Instagram chat session. Addressing speculations about Akhil Akkineni’s involvement in the anticipated ‘Salaar Part 2 – Shouryanga Parvam,’ Likitha unequivocally dismissed the claims, categorizing them as baseless rumors. Additionally, when questioned about the potential of a ‘Salaar 3,’ she hinted that the fate of a sequel would be unveiled at the conclusion of ‘Shouryanga Parvam.’
‘Salaar’ revolves around the gripping narrative of two friends who transform into adversaries. The first installment provided audiences with a glimpse into the characters and laid the foundation for an eagerly awaited sequel. The film boasts a stellar cast, including Prithviraj Sukumar in the antagonist role, alongside Sriya Reddy, Shruti Haasan, Eswari Rao, Jagapathi Babu, and Ramachandra Raju in pivotal roles. The success of ‘Salaar Part 1’ continues to resonate on social media, keeping fans engaged and eager for the unfolding of the saga in ‘Shouryanga Parvam.’