Renowned actor-singer Mamta Mohandas, a Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor, penned a poignant note on February 4, recognized globally as World Cancer Day. The annual occasion aims to advocate for improved cancer care policies, research initiatives, and support systems. Cancer, ranking as the second leading cause of death worldwide, often remains undetected in its early stages, emphasizing the critical role of early detection in combating this lethal disease.
Mohandas, who battled Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2009 and triumphed after years of treatment, shared her reflections on World Cancer Day. In a Facebook post, she conveyed, “For some, the fight is real… for others, our fight is a ‘stunt.’ This is the world we live in… look out for yourselves. Put YOU first. This thing can’t beat you. And You’ve got this! Keep shining! Honoring and remembering all those who are fighting and those who lost their lives fighting from the front! #cancer #worldcancerday #survivor.”
The statement seems to allude to a recent incident involving Poonam Pandey’s fake death stunt, where Mohandas used the term “stunt.” Notably, a Maharashtra MLC has called for action against Poonam Pandey for spreading fake news.
In a significant revelation last year (2023), Mamta Mohandas shared her diagnosis of vitiligo, a chronic autoimmune disorder causing white patches on the skin due to the lack of melanin.
Shifting focus to her professional endeavors, Mamta Mohandas’s most recent project is ‘Bandra.’