Renowned actor Mohanlal and director Jeethu Joseph’s recent courtroom drama, ‘Neru,’ has found success following its digital debut, receiving accolades for its compelling narrative and impactful scenes. The film, now available on various OTT platforms, has garnered widespread praise, with a particular focus on a powerful sequence highlighting the theme of women empowerment.
In this pivotal moment, Anaswara Rajan’s character, Sara, who is blind, becomes a victim of assault. The storyline revolves around Mohanlal’s character, Advocate Vijayamohan, and his determined efforts to expose the perpetrator. The standout scene earning acclaim features Vijayamohan boldly confronting the opposing advocate, delivering a poignant statement on the evolving times and the strength of the current generation of women.
In the scene, Mohanlal’s character declares, “Times have changed, sir! Girls of this generation are not like that. They will announce it loud and clear regarding who, what, and how! If you cannot accept it, it’s because of your age and narrow-mindedness. Better you try to change, Mr. Senior!” This powerful dialogue is being hailed as “Masterclass Writing,” with netizens considering it the pinnacle of the film.
Social media is abuzz with positive reactions, and netizens are expressing their admiration for the thought-provoking and empowering dialogue. Comments such as “#Neru peaked here. The BEST.” and “Theater response for this scene was lit” underscore the impact of this particular moment in the film.
As 2023 concluded on a positive note for Mohanlal’s ‘Neru,’ the film continues to make waves for its impactful storytelling through its OTT release. However, the actor’s latest release, ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban,’ is receiving mixed reviews from audiences, keeping the spotlight on the dynamic trajectory of Mohanlal’s cinematic journey.