In a groundbreaking move, the powerful and thought-provoking drama film, ‘Kaathal: The Core,’ starring the legendary Mammootty, is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Directed by Jeo Baby, the film has made a significant impact at the box office, resonating with audiences in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi languages.
The story revolves around Mathew Devassy, portrayed by Mammootty, a retired bank manager who takes an unprecedented step by contesting the local panchayat elections as an independent candidate. However, the narrative takes a profound turn when Mathew’s wife, played by Jyothika as Omana Mathew, shocks everyone by filing for divorce, citing a revelation about Mathew’s sexual orientation.
Directed by Jeo Baby and written by Adarsh Sukumaran and Paulson Skaria, ‘Kaathal: The Core’ is a deeply emotional drama complemented by soulful music composed by Mathews Pulickan. The film also features stellar performances by Sudhi Kozhikode as Thankan, Mathew’s friend, and Pooja Mohanraj as Thankan’s sister, adding depth and emotion to the narrative.
Released on November 23, ‘Kaathal: The Core’ has garnered immense acclaim for its bold and thought-provoking storyline, touching the emotions of audiences and critics alike. With a box office collection exceeding Rs 10 crore, the film adds another success to Mammootty’s repertoire, following the well-received ‘Kannur Squad’ in 2023.