In the aftermath of Vijaylakshmi’s threat to file a legal case against Darshan’s girlfriend, Pavitra Gowda, the model-turned-actor responded defiantly on social media. In a bilingual post written in a combination of Kannada and English, Pavitra Gowda emphasized that Vijaylakshmi was well aware of her relationship with Darshan and asserted that she never claimed Khushi Gowda to be Darshan’s daughter.
The post stated, “My name is Pavitra Gowda, my daughter is Khushi Gowda. I married a man named Sanjay and then gave birth to Khushi Gowda. I got a divorce from Sanjay because we had an issue. I have nowhere mentioned that Khushi Gowda is Darshan Srinivasa’s daughter!! Darshan Srinivasa and I have been happy together for the last 10 years.”
Pavitra Gowda further revealed that Vijaylakshmi was acquainted with their relationship, and they had spoken about it over the phone. She claimed that Vijaylakshmi had expressed no objection to Pavitra and Darshan being together. Pavitra also hinted at sharing evidence and divorce documents when the appropriate time arrived.
Expressing distress over Vijaylakshmi’s social media posts, Pavitra mentioned the mental toll it had taken on her and her teenage daughter Khushi Gowda. She condemned the unauthorized sharing of personal photos and warned that she, too, would pursue legal action if the situation escalated.
While Darshan attended an award ceremony in Pandavapura, he has yet to comment on the unfolding controversy. Pavitra Gowda’s unapologetic response and willingness to take legal action underscore the intensifying drama surrounding the publicized relationship.