In a recent dancing event held at Rajarathinam Stadium in Chennai, organized to celebrate the music of Prabhu Deva’s upcoming film “GOAT” starring Vijay, controversy arose as children were made to wait in long queues under scorching heat. The event, which aimed to set a record with continuous dancing for 100 minutes to Prabhu Deva’s songs, witnessed several participants, including school children.
However, delays in starting the event sparked outrage among parents as some children reportedly fainted due to the intense heat. The management allegedly waited for Prabhu Deva’s arrival before commencing the event, leading to heated disputes between angry parents and the organizing team.
Prabhu Deva, unable to attend due to prior commitments in Hyderabad, issued an apology via video for the inconvenience caused. Despite the controversy, the event proceeded successfully with over 5000 dancers participating.
Meanwhile, Prabhu Deva also announced his collaboration with director NS Manoj for a new film, which was officially launched on the same day. The film will feature music by AR Rahman, marking their sixth collaboration together.