Prithviraj Sukumaran’s latest film, ‘Aadujeevitham: The Goat Life’, directed by Blessy and based on Benyamin’s novel inspired by true events, is touching the hearts of audiences. In a recent development, Prithviraj Sukumaran, who played the protagonist Najeeb in the film, had an emotional conversation with the real Najeeb.
Despite having the opportunity to meet the real Najeeb earlier, Prithviraj chose not to in order to better portray the character from the novel. Now, with the film released in theaters, he finally met Najeeb and their heartfelt conversation has been shared on YouTube.
In the video, Prithviraj talks to Najeeb about his challenging days in Saudi Arabia. Najeeb shares, “Every day in the desert looked the same. There is only the sunrise and sunset.” When asked if he believed he would escape, Najeeb responded, “I always thought that I’d never escape. Death was better than the life I experienced there.”
Prithviraj expressed his deep emotions during the conversation, saying, “I am sure the experience we had while filming or the experience people get while watching the movie won’t be even 1% of what you experienced; we cannot bring it on the screen. But you know what I still believe? If a person who lies down on the sands dies and wakes up again every single morning, then God kept you alive to share this story, right? He kept you alive to share this story with the world. At times, I think Najeeb is chosen by God. There are so many people who might have gone through similar difficult experiences, but God chose one to share this story. You are God’s chosen one,”
The team shared the conversation on YouTube with the caption, “Watch the heartfelt conversation between the real Najeeb and reel Najeeb (Prithviraj) as they share their incredible journeys and experiences. Don’t miss this unique perspective on #TheGoatLife!”
Meanwhile, at the box office, ‘Aadujeevitham: The Goat Life’ has seen a slight dip on its fifth day but still managed to collect a solid figure on its first Monday. The film continues to run successfully in cinemas.