The highly anticipated romantic-comedy film ‘Family Star’, featuring popular actors Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur, has once again stirred excitement across social media platforms. Recently, a promotional teaser for the movie’s second track titled ‘Kalyani Vaccha Vacchaa’ was released by the makers, further igniting interest in the upcoming release.
Shared by the makers through X, the glimpse of the new track was announced with much fanfare, stating, “#FamilyStar’s second single, #KalyaniVacchaVacchaa, is out now. Scheduled for release today at 6:30 PM, the song promises to be another classic Telugu wedding melody, adding to the movie’s charm. #FamilyStarOnApril5th”
Vijay Deverakonda himself took to his Instagram story to unveil the special promo, emphasizing, “It’s a wedding song.”
The teaser of ‘Family Star’ has already garnered a flurry of positive responses, heightening anticipation among viewers. With the release of the promo for the second single, excitement has reached new heights.
‘Kalyani Vaccha Vacchaa’ is anticipated to be a timeless addition to Telugu wedding songs, set to infuse the movie’s soundtrack with romance and allure. Fans eagerly await the full release of the track, scheduled for later today.
As the film gears up for its April 5, 2024 release, the buzz surrounding ‘Family Star’ continues to escalate, with audiences eagerly anticipating the captivating on-screen chemistry between Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur.