In 2022, Raj & DK’s acclaimed dark comedy crime thriller series ‘Farzi,’ which revolves around currency note counterfeiting, was released to immediate acclaim. The show garnered widespread praise, with particular commendation for the performances of lead actors Shahid Kapoor and Vijay Sethupathi. This series marked the first collaboration between the two talented actors. Additionally, Raashii Khanna played a pivotal role in the series as an RBI analyst with specialized skills in detecting counterfeit currency.
The success of ‘Farzi’ sparked discussions across social media platforms, with fans eagerly anticipating a sequel. Addressing the mounting anticipation, Shahid Kapoor recently engaged with fans on social media and responded to queries about ‘Farzi 2,’ saying, “ART banana mein time lagta hai kachra jaldi ban jata hai.” This suggests that the sequel’s production is in progress. Further shedding light on the much-awaited sequel, Raashii Khanna informed News18, “Farzi 2 will start at the beginning of next year.” The delay in commencing the filming of ‘Farzi 2’ could potentially be attributed to Raj & DK’s busy schedules, as they are currently occupied with projects like ‘Citadel Honey Bunny’ and ‘The Family Man 3.’
During a recent masterclass, Shahid Kapoor confirmed that ‘Farzi 2’ is indeed in the pipeline, although the exact commencement date for the shoot remains uncertain. He stated, “Farzi 2 will happen, and if anything else I like, I will, but as of now, I haven’t said yes to anything for OTT because I had two releases this year, so I’m going to do some stuff for theatres now. But Farzi 2 will definitely happen.”