In a recent development, Rajinikanth addressed the ongoing speculation surrounding a supposed feud with actor Vijay. The controversy stemmed from Rajinikanth’s anecdote about a crow and an eagle during the audio launch of ‘Jailer’ last year. The story was perceived by many as a veiled dig at Vijay, prompting a response from the latter during the success meet of ‘Leo.’
Vijay’s counter-narrative featured a story about two hunters, where he emphasized the diverse elements in a forest, including a tiger, lion, deer, crow, and eagle. He underscored the unique qualities of each and stated that there could only be one Superstar, expressing his preference for being known as a Thalapathy.
Seeking to clear the air, Rajinikanth, at the audio launch of his latest film, expressed disappointment over the misinterpretation of his earlier remarks. He clarified that the crow-eagle story was not intended as an attack on Vijay and recounted a past incident during the shoot of ‘Dharmathin Thalaivan,’ where SA Chandrasekhar had introduced a young Vijay to him, seeking advice on pursuing a career in acting.
Rajinikanth acknowledged Vijay’s growth in the industry, praising his discipline, talent, and hard work. He categorically dismissed the notion of competition between them, emphasizing that considering Vijay as a competitor would only lead to embarrassment for both parties. Rajinikanth urged their respective fan bases to cease hostilities, highlighting the long-standing relationship between himself and Vijay, who had grown up in front of his eyes.