Actor Ramya has announced her decision to withdraw from the upcoming movie ‘Uttarakaanda’, which stars Dhananjaya and Shivarajkumar. Citing the unavailability of dates, she stated, “I opted out because of the unavailability of dates. My priorities have changed, and I have other commitments to fulfil.”
The actor also took to social media to share her decision, posting, “I will not be working on Uttarakaanda due to unavailability of dates. I’ve put my film/political commitments on hold. Wishing the team the very best!” This declaration effectively puts an end to speculations regarding her anticipated comeback to films and her potential return to politics.
A source from the film’s production house confirmed this development and mentioned that they are now in search of a replacement to fill Ramya’s role. Earlier reports had indicated that the production team was nearing completion of set work, with filming scheduled to commence in April. The movie was eagerly anticipated as it was supposed to mark Ramya’s comeback to films after a hiatus of 10 years.