In the midst of the opulent Ambani festivities in Jamnagar, an enchanting undisclosed photograph featuring Bollywood’s power couple, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, has taken the online realm by storm. The duo is captured relishing a laid-back morning escapade at the hotel, accompanied by their charming companion, Raha. Brimming with joy, the couple exchanges affectionate smiles while Raha eagerly approaches them, under the watchful eye of acclaimed filmmaker Ayan Mukerji.
In the candid image, Ranbir opts for a casual ensemble, sporting black shorts paired with a red t-shirt, a cap, and sunglasses. Alia, on the other hand, dons a knee-length loose blue dress. Ayan complements the scene with his stylish yet relaxed white attire.
The snapshot is from the extravagant pre-wedding festivities hosted by Mukesh and Nita Ambani at the lavish RIL township in Moti Khavdi village, spanning from March 1 to 3. Anticipation looms over the wedding set to unfold in July this year.
Jamnagar is currently abuzz with activity as guests from across the globe, including prominent CEOs, state dignitaries, Bollywood luminaries, sports figures, musicians, and industry moguls, converge for the three-day pre-wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani, the younger son of Mukesh Ambani, and his betrothed, Radhika Merchant, the daughter of Viren Merchant, CEO of Encore Healthcare.