Celebrity chef Harsh Dixit, renowned for preparing special anniversary meals for Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor and birthday dishes for KL Rahul, recently shared his memories of serving Rakhi Sawant. On the Untriggered with AminJaz podcast, Dixit amusingly recounted his experiences with Sawant, noting her vibrant personality and unique interactions. He revealed that she used to negotiate prices over the phone and send quirky, detailed voice notes regarding her meal preferences, including requests for fasting foods like sabudana khichdi.
Dixit described these interactions as “damn fun,” emphasizing that Sawant’s off-screen demeanor was as lively and genuine as her public persona. He also highlighted that Sawant managed her own meals without a team, surprising him with her self-sufficiency.
Looking back on his career, Dixit reflected on his transition from working in a restaurant to launching a packed meal service tailored for Bollywood celebrities. This service, which gained significant industry attention, allowed stars like Ranbir Kapoor and others to receive customized, diet-specific meals. In addition to Kapoor, Dixit’s clientele included Alia Bhatt, Aditya Roy Kapur, Shahid Kapoor, and Rakhi Sawant.