In a recent official announcement, it has been revealed that actor Ram Charan is set to star in his 16th film, tentatively titled ‘RC 16,’ under the direction of Buchi Babu Sana. The production house took to social media to share the news that renowned cinematographer Rathnavelu has joined the film’s crew.
The post on social media read, “Team #RC16 welcomes the master lensman. Happy Birthday to the acclaimed cinematographer and the man who delivers stunning visuals.” Director Buchi Babu also expressed his excitement on social media, extending birthday wishes to Rathnavelu and acknowledging the honor of working with such a visionary cinematographer.
Bollywood director and producer Boney Kapoor recently confirmed that actress Janhvi Kapoor will play the female lead in ‘RC 16.’ Additionally, actor Dhiva Rajkumar is slated to portray the antagonist, and the music for the film will be composed by the legendary AR Rahman. Further updates on the movie’s shooting progress will be provided by the makers in due course.
On the professional front, Ram Charan is currently engrossed in the shooting of ‘Game Changer,’ a political thriller directed by Shankar, where Kiara Advani is cast as the female lead. It is reported that the Hyderabad schedule of the film will conclude on March 2, paving the way for the commencement of his next project.