Jasmine Bhasin, who made her debut in the Punjabi film industry with “Honeymoon,” is set to captivate audiences once again in her second Punjabi venture, “Carry On Jattiye.” During her recent visit to Chandigarh, Bhasin expressed her enthusiasm for further exploring the Punjabi film landscape in the upcoming year.
“I hope to do more Punjabi films in 2024,” she shared. Regarding her latest project, “Carry On Jattiye,” Bhasin revealed, “It’s about jattiye, but our jatts are totally supporting us (laughs). Gippy (Grewal) sir has done a beautiful cameo in it, and Sunil Grover is playing Sargun Mehta’s husband.”
While discussing her future plans in the Hindi entertainment industry, Bhasin expressed a sense of alignment with her destined path. “I think the universe has a plan for me, and that, for now, seems like the Punjabi industry. In Hindi entertainment, I am giving tests and waiting for the right opportunity, and there’s something exciting coming up on OTT for me,” she disclosed.
Opening up about her own experiences with mental health challenges, Bhasin stressed the importance of addressing mental well-being. “Being mentally fit is as important as physical fitness. I believe when you have a healthy mind, you have a healthy body. I too have faced low times, but you may still see me cheerful. Just like we fall sick physically and need a cure, even our mental health needs to be looked after, and I would urge everyone not to shy away from asking for help.”
As 2023 transitions into a new year, Bhasin reflects on the lessons learned and gears up for 2024. “This year, I had a lot of time to introspect on where my life is going and what I want to do. I am now ready to face 2024, having taken the time to identify what was lacking, what I was not doing right, and what I need to do. It is not the quantity of work; it is the quality. I am looking forward to a new year and seeing what it has in store for me,” she concluded.