In a noteworthy cinematic debut, Anand Ekarshi’s film ‘Aattam’ graced the silver screen on January 5, featuring a stellar cast including Vinay Forrt, Kalabhavan Shajohn, Zarin Shihab, and Nandan Unni. Impressively, the movie has already left a lasting impact on audiences, drawing attention for its well-constructed script and unique storyline.
The narrative, centered around an incident involving the sole woman in a drama troupe, has proven to be a compelling draw for moviegoers, resulting in a substantial turnout at theaters. The film sheds light on human hypocrisies, a theme that has resonated with viewers who applaud the engaging screenplay and standout performances.
Microblogging platform X, formerly known as Twitter, is buzzing with reviews from cinephiles expressing their admiration for ‘Aattam.’ One netizen commended the film’s craftsmanship, stating, “#Aattam is a well-written, well-made film by Anand Ekarshi. I liked it, and it was an engaging watch for me. Beautiful performances by everyone.” (@Redfox9891)
Another movie enthusiast deemed ‘Aattam’ a piece of art, praising its writing and acting: “Aattam is a piece of art. Well written and well-acted. What a movie,” exclaimed @CinephileSree.
Meanwhile, a keen observer of cinema gave the film a commendable rating of 4.25 out of 5, emphasizing its thin yet unique storyline, gripping screenplay, and exceptional performances. @SmartBarani declared, “#Aattam. A thin, unique storyline with gripping screenplay and excellent performances from everyone… Overall, this is a must-watch movie! Rating: 4.25/5.”
Further accolades poured in for the cinematic experience provided by ‘Aattam.’ One viewer lauded its exploration of the complexities within a play troupe named ‘Arang,’ describing it as an intense subject matter skillfully presented by director/writer Anand Ekarsi. (@Southwoodoffl)
Individual performances were also spotlighted, with Zarin Shihab receiving particular praise. A viewer expressed, “#Aattam What a great movie it is. The tension buildup was. Zarin Shihab.” (@Neiroast)
In a broader context, ‘Aattam’ was commended for its intricate exploration of the male psyche, challenging perceptions and blurring morality. A movie buff reflected, “Anand Ekarshi’s ‘Aattam’ intricately delves into the male psyche, blurring morality in a gripping chamber play. Brilliantly exploring hypocrisy, it’s a riveting journey that challenges perceptions.” (@WandererUser)
As the film continues to captivate audiences, ‘Aattam’ stands as a compelling addition to the cinematic landscape, marking a promising start for the theatrical experiences of 2024.