In a unique blend of roles, actor-turned-director Sagar Puranik is set to star as the lead actor while also directing his upcoming project, “Venkya.” Currently shooting in Hubballi, Puranik shared his experience of juggling both responsibilities.
“It’s been a lot of running back and forth between the monitor and the set. But the upside of being both actor and director is that I get immediate feedback on the scene since I was involved in the scripting process as well,” said Puranik.
This marks the first time Puranik will be taking on a lead acting role. He commented, “Acting has always held a special place in my heart. I started young, being around the sets of my father’s films and serials. Later, my passion for storytelling led me towards directing. The subject of ‘Venkya,’ which is an emotional journey of a North Karnataka person filled with ups and downs, is meant for universal audiences. Visually, technically, and in terms of narration, the movie promises to be a captivating experience. To ensure I embodied the lead character perfectly, I even went through a rigorous and impartial audition process.”