In connection with the Mahadev betting app case, actor Sahil Khan has been detained and transferred from Chhattisgarh to Mumbai. Khan, known for his roles in films like ‘Style’ and ‘Excuse Me,’ faced over four hours of interrogation by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) on April 18.
The case, which is linked to a staggering Rs 15,000 crore fraud, involves scrutiny of bank accounts, electronic devices, and transactions of Khan and 31 other individuals. Despite seeking pre-arrest bail, Khan’s plea was turned down by the High Court.
In a recent development, Khan, dressed in a black shirt and pink jacket, was calmly escorted by authorities amidst media frenzy. When asked about his arrest, he expressed his faith in the country’s judiciary.
Additionally, actor Tamannaah Bhatia has been summoned by the Maharashtra cyber cell regarding allegations of promoting the viewing of IPL matches on a subsidiary app of the Mahadev online gaming and betting platform. Bhatia is scheduled to appear before the cyber personnel on April 29. These summons are linked to her alleged endorsement of watching IPL matches on the Fairplay betting app, as per a senior police official.
As investigations continue, one individual has been apprehended so far in connection with the case, confirmed an official source. The inquiry extends to scrutinizing the involvement of various individuals, including their financial and digital footprints.