In a midnight cinematic extravaganza, “Salaar,” the much-anticipated action film featuring Prabhas in the lead role, premiered in theaters, setting off a wave of euphoria among fans. Social media has been flooded with viral videos capturing the excitement of fans gathered outside theaters for early screenings.
The footage showcases theater entrances adorned with dazzling lights and grand posters of Prabhas, illustrating the immense anticipation surrounding the film. Due to overwhelming demand, several theaters in South India initiated midnight screenings, drawing substantial crowds. Videos depict fans jubilantly beating dholes, creating a festive ambiance akin to a celebration. Some enthusiasts even celebrated by setting off fireworks outside cinema halls before immersing themselves in the cinematic experience.
Twitter handles such as @Prasad_Darling, @Ktheaclara1, and @Team_PraBoss are abuzz with updates on the film’s reception. The Dunki Vs Salaar day 1 collection is predicted to surpass Shah Rukh Khan’s film by a significant margin, as per early estimates.
Social media platforms are currently abuzz with fan-generated content, featuring hashtags like #SalaarMania and #BlockbusterSalaar, showcasing the fans’ palpable enthusiasm.
Amidst the crowd, a few celebrities were spotted heading to theaters for early screenings. Actor Sreevishnu was captured on video, completely engrossed in the on-screen action, whistling and cheering for Prabhas alongside fans who showered confetti and streamers during a climax scene.
As “Salaar” takes the cinematic stage, it is poised to break records with the highest opening day collection in India. Reports suggest an anticipated day one earning of Rs 95 crore from across the country, surpassing the previous record set by Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Jawan,’ which earned an estimated Rs 75 crore at the all-India box office.
Directed by Prashanth Neel, “Salaar” is expected to dominate the Christmas box office, concluding the year on a high note. Netizens on Twitter have already dubbed the film a blockbuster, citing goosebumps-inducing moments. The cinematic spectacle is set to etch its mark in the annals of Indian cinema, thanks to the fervent reception from fans and the stellar performance of the cast.