Saleka, the acclaimed R&B singer-songwriter, has made a significant transition into acting with her debut in the highly anticipated psychological thriller Trap, directed by her father, M. Night Shyamalan. In an exclusive interview, Saleka expressed the excitement and nerves surrounding her acting debut, noting that it feels like a fresh start. She remarked, “It feels like a debut in many ways,” acknowledging the challenge of shifting from a successful music career to acting. “It’s definitely very exciting and nerve-wracking.”
In Trap, Saleka stars as Lady Raven, a fictional pop star integral to the film’s suspenseful plot. She detailed her role, saying, “I play a singer named ‘Lady Raven’. There’s a very immersive experience when you watch the movie. I wrote all the music for it, so it’s very music-centric, but it’s also an incredibly scary and suspenseful movie. It takes you to places that you wouldn’t expect.”
The original music composed by Saleka is a highlight of Trap. She explained that she crafted the songs after the script was completed, ensuring they were tailored for each scene. “The music had to align with Cooper’s character and the audience’s experience with him,” she said.
Working with her father on set provided Saleka with added comfort and reassurance. She described the experience as enjoyable and comforting, especially given the vulnerability involved in creating art. “There is a level of comfort and security that you feel with family members or trusted individuals,” she shared. “It’s such a vulnerable process, and it was so reassuring not to feel judged.”
Despite the familial support, Saleka faced challenges balancing her role’s various demands, including dancing, singing, and acting. “In the beginning, I was definitely overwhelmed,” she admitted. “But it became a beautiful coincidence of art forms helping each other and adding inspiration. Some scenes were particularly difficult, and that was the most challenging part for me.”
As Saleka steps into this new phase of her career, her debut in Trap demonstrates her versatility as an artist, blending her musical talent with her acting skills in a film expected to keep audiences captivated. Trap was released by Warner Bros in India on August 2, 2024.