Superstar Salman Khan was visibly emotional while addressing the media at the screening event of ‘Patna Shuklla’ in Mumbai last night. Salman’s deep respect and affection for the late actor Satish Kaushik, who played a significant role in the film, were evident. Salman attended the screening to support his brother Arbaaz Khan, who also has a pivotal role in the movie.
Speaking about Satish Kaushik, Salman expressed, “Satish ji humare bade hi close the… The most amazing thing is that he completed each of his projects he took on, before his death. He was also there in ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’.”
‘Patna Shuklla’ tells the story of Tanvi Shukla, portrayed by Raveena Tandon, an ordinary woman who decides to intervene when she witnesses a student caught up in a roll number scam. Satish Kaushik played the role of a judge in the film and had previously collaborated with Arbaaz and Salman on various projects.
Arbaaz Khan also fondly remembered Satish Kaushik, stating, “He was so amazing as a person, actor.”
Satish Kaushik had shared a photo with Salman and Arbaaz after completing ‘Patna Shuklla’ in 2022. He captioned it, “Great pre-new year cast get-together at Arbaaz’s home after the completion of our movie ‘Patna Shukla’… it was great fun… wishing a happy new year to all…”
The renowned actor, director, and producer Satish Kaushik passed away on March 9, 2023. He entertained audiences with a plethora of memorable films including ‘Mr. India’, ‘Saajan Chale Sasural’, ‘Judai’, and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Khiladi’. He also directed ‘Tere Naam’, starring Salman Khan, which turned out to be a successful venture.