Salman Khan, a towering presence in the Hindi film industry, celebrates his 58th birthday today as a revered brand in the world of entertainment. Despite his current status as a megastar, Salman Khan’s journey into the film industry was not without initial challenges, a sentiment he candidly shared earlier this year. During a press conference ahead of the release of his upcoming film Tiger 3, Salman opened up about the hurdles he faced in his pre-fame years.
“People say that we will put in all the work after we get the film. All these things, I have done much before I came into the industry. The four-five years of struggle that I had before I came into the industry, before I did films like Maine Pyar Kiya and Biwi Ho To Aisi,” said Salman, addressing the audience. He went on to highlight his approach to film selection, emphasizing the importance of connecting with a project from the first narration.
Last year, at a prestigious award show, Salman Khan became visibly emotional as he reflected on the hardships that followed his debut film, Maine Pyar Kiya. During this challenging period, he faced financial constraints and credited filmmaker Ramesh Taurani for being a pivotal figure in rescuing his career. Salman acknowledged that after the success of Maine Pyar Kiya, Bhagyashree chose to step away from the industry for marriage, leaving a void. During a six-month hiatus without a movie, Salman expressed gratitude to Ramesh Taurani, whom he referred to as a ‘devta saman aadmi’ (God-like man). Taurani’s intervention, including a payment of Rs 5 lakh for the music of the film, played a crucial role in Salman securing a new project titled ‘Patthar Ke Phool’ in 1991. Salman conveyed his heartfelt thanks for this pivotal moment in his career.
As Salman Khan celebrates another year of life and success, his journey remains an inspiration for many aspiring actors in the industry.