In the realm of Tamil cinema, renowned director Seenu Ramasamy, celebrated for bringing compelling rural narratives to the screen, faces serious allegations of sexual harassment. The accusations stem from actress Manisha Yadav, known for her roles in films such as “Vazhakku Enn 18/9,” “Aadhalal Kadhal Seiveer,” “Trisha Illana Nayanthara,” and “Oru Kuppai Kathai.” Ramasamy, whose recent hit “Maamanithan” featured Vijay Sethupathi and Gayathrie, is currently anticipating the release of “Idimuzhakkam” starring GV Prakash in the lead.
The disturbing allegations came to light through an online news reporter, who claims to possess evidence of Manisha Yadav herself disclosing the incident. The reporter, active on YouTube, asserts that the actress confided in him about the alleged harassment. Despite the director’s denial, emphasizing that no such incident occurred, the accusations have triggered a controversy within the industry.
In response to the allegations, Seenu Ramasamy shared a video featuring Manisha Yadav expressing gratitude to him at the audio launch of “Oru Kuppai Kathai.” The director questions the credibility of the claims, pointing out the actress’s acknowledgment of their positive working relationship years after the alleged incident.
The controversy adds a layer of complexity to Ramasamy’s career, whose forthcoming film “Idam Porul Yaeval,” starring Vijay Sethupathi, Vishnu, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Nanditha, is eagerly awaited by fans. The director reassures that the film, long in the making, will be hitting the screens soon.
As the industry grapples with the implications of these allegations, the unfolding controversy raises questions about the dynamics within the Tamil film fraternity and emphasizes the importance of addressing such issues with sensitivity and seriousness.