Malayalam superstar Mohanlal’s viral dance to Shah Rukh Khan’s hit track “Zinda Banda” from the film ‘Jawan’ has taken the internet by storm after being showcased at an award event. Shah Rukh Khan, the original star of the song, has responded to the performance with heartfelt admiration.
Taking to his official Twitter account, Shah Rukh Khan reshared the video of Mohanlal’s dance and wrote a touching message. He thanked Mohanlal for making the song special and commented, “I wish I had done it half as well as you. I love you, sir, and I am waiting for dinner at home as and when. You are the OG Zinda Banda!!!”
Mohanlal’s energetic rendition of “Zinda Banda” displayed his versatility and stage presence, setting the dance floor on fire with his electrifying moves. Dressed in a cheetah-printed shirt combined with brown leather pants and a jacket reminiscent of his iconic retro style, Mohanlal exuded timeless charm.
The video of his captivating performance quickly spread across various social media platforms, with fans appreciating Mohanlal’s seamless blend of Bollywood essence with his South Indian roots. In addition to his performance of “Zinda Banda,” Mohanlal also delighted the audience with a spirited rendition of Rajinikanth’s classic number “Hukum” from the movie ‘Jailer’ starring Rajinikanth in the lead.