Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal celebrated his birthday today amidst a shower of heartfelt wishes from fans worldwide. Marking the occasion, his father Sham Kaushal and brother Sunny Kaushal took to social media, sharing touching tributes accompanied by nostalgic throwback photos of the star.
Action director Sham Kaushal reminisced about Vicky’s journey, from his early days in the industry to recent successes like ‘Sam Bahadur’. He shared a rare glimpse from 2001, taken on the sets of ‘Asoka’, expressing pride and love for his son and highlighting the divine intervention shaping his trajectory.
Sunny Kaushal also joined the celebrations, sharing a childhood picture of Vicky, noting that not much had changed in 36 years, emphasizing the enduring bond between the brothers.
Recently, during an appearance on ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’, Vicky and Sunny entertained the audience with amusing childhood anecdotes, offering insight into their family dynamics.
As Vicky Kaushal continues to charm audiences with his performances, fans eagerly anticipate his upcoming projects, anticipating more memorable characters and cinematic moments from the versatile actor.