Renowned actress Shanthi Priya, who captured the hearts of Tamil audiences in the ’80s with her role in “Enga Ooru Paattukkaaran,” is set to make a significant comeback in Kollywood after a hiatus of 33 years. The untitled film, produced by Vetri Maaran, marks her return to Tamil cinema and promises a unique storyline.
In an exclusive interview, Shanthi Priya revealed the reasons behind her return to Tamil films. As a veteran actress from the ’80s and ’90s, she emphasized the changing landscape of roles for women in the industry. Unlike the typical mother or sister roles offered upon a comeback, she expressed her delight in receiving a character that requires no makeup and showcases a compelling narrative of a mother and daughter spanning from age 25 to 55.
The actress credited the casting director Varsha Bharath for introducing her to the role, which resonated with her own life story. Expressing gratitude for the opportunity, she stated that she couldn’t have asked for a better character, director, and producer for her Tamil comeback.
Shanthi Priya candidly discussed her hiatus from films, attributing it to marriage and her commitment to giving her best to whatever she pursued. She married Siddharth Ray, V Shantaram’s grandson, and chose to prioritize family over continuing her acting career amidst the demanding schedules of the film industry.
Reflecting on the changes in the film industry, Shanthi Priya acknowledged the evolution from informal script readings to the prevalence of casting directors and monitors on set. Despite the advancements, she expressed a preference for the simplicity of the ’90s, highlighting the spontaneity of reading dialogues on the spot.
Regarding her connections with industry peers, Shanthi Priya mentioned interactions with veteran figures like Ramarajan and Gangai Amaren. She recalled shooting iconic scenes with Gangai Amaren, who played a pivotal role in her career, and expressed her desire to work with Venkat Prabhu, Gangai Amaren’s son.
The actress also shared insights into her family life, mentioning discussions about her work with her children. Her elder son, Shubham Ray, is an indie artist, while her second son is a screenwriter involved in various projects.
Shanthi Priya’s return to Tamil cinema has generated excitement, and her fans eagerly await her comeback on the big screen.