Renowned actor Sharwanand, known for his role in ‘Engeyum Eppodhum,’ tied the knot with Rakshita Reddy in a lavish ceremony in Jaipur last year. The couple recently welcomed their first child, a baby girl named Leela Devi Myneni.
Sharing the joyous news on social media, Sharwanand expressed gratitude for the love and well-wishes received. Accompanied by a heartwarming picture of himself and his wife with their newborn, he announced, “Entering the new year with my biggest blessing by my side.”
In another post, the actor introduced their baby girl, Leela Devi Myneni, with an adorable picture of the newborn holding onto his finger. Additionally, Sharwanand shared a sweet image of his wife, Rakshita Reddy, cradling the baby’s tiny legs with immense love in her eyes.
The couple is overjoyed with the arrival of their bundle of joy, marking a significant and blissful start to the new year. Fans and well-wishers flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages as they celebrated the actor’s newfound fatherhood.