In anticipation of the upcoming comedy-drama film ‘Vivekanandan Viralaanu,’ lead actor Shine Tom Chacko recently announced on his official Facebook page that the movie has secured a U/A certificate. Scheduled to hit theaters on January 19, the film is generating buzz among netizens, especially with the rumored plot of Mohanlal’s ‘Malaikottai Vaaliban.’
Revealing a vibrant and engaging poster featuring the main cast, including Shine Tom Chacko, Swasika, and Grace Antony, the announcement hints at the entertaining journey that awaits audiences. ‘Vivekanandan Viralaanu’ promises compelling performances and a unique exploration of relationship complexities.
Earlier, the film’s makers unveiled an intriguing trailer, positioning ‘Vivekanandan Viralaanu’ as a complete comedy entertainer suitable for both family and young audiences. With veteran director Kamal at the helm, expectations are soaring for Shine Tom Chacko’s performance in the film.
Directed by Kamal, the movie is touted as a satire on a man’s relationships with women over the years, infused with humor throughout the narrative. The lead roles are expertly portrayed by Shine Tom Chacko, Grace Antony, Swasika, Mareena Michael, and Maala Parvathy. The film features musical composition by Bijibal, cinematography by Prakash Velayudhan, and editing expertise by Ranjan Abraham. Fans and film enthusiasts can anticipate an entertaining cinematic experience with ‘Vivekanandan Viralaanu.’