Actor Shivarajkumar has once again teamed up with director R Chandru for a new project under the banner R C Studios. The official announcement of this collaboration was made by Chandru on social media.
Sharing the news, R Chandru wrote, “On the day of completing 14 years of muhurtha of Mylari, with immense pleasure I am happy to announce my collaboration with Shivarajkumar with all your blessings.” Further details about the title and the rest of the star cast will be revealed in the coming days.
This marks the third collaboration between the duo. They had previously worked together on the film Mylari, which was released in 2010 and enjoyed tremendous success at the box office. Their second collaboration was in the film Kabzaa, where Chandru directed Shivarajkumar in a special role.
Currently, Shivarajkumar is nearing the completion of the shooting for his upcoming film Bharaithi Ranagal, which is set to hit screens in August. Apart from his film commitments, the actor has also been actively involved in political campaigning as his wife Geetha is contesting in the Parliamentary elections from Shivamogga.
Shivarajkumar’s previous film, Karataka Dhamanaka, received a mixed response from audiences. Directed by Yogaraj Bhat, the film saw him sharing the screen with Prabhudeva and also carried a message on water conservation.