In a significant development, the filming for ‘Kadhale Kadhale,’ directed by debutant R Premnath, an associate of the late filmmaker KV Anand, has successfully concluded. The movie features Mahat Raghavendra in the lead role and Meenakshi Govindarajan as the female lead, with Vishal Chandrasekhar composing the music.
Producer P Ranganathan expressed his delight at the seamless wrap-up, emphasizing the importance of a cohesive team and efficient execution. Ranganathan commended Director Premnath’s ability to not only produce top-notch content but also manage the schedule with excellence. He praised Mahat Raghavendra’s dedication and predicted that Meenakshi Govindarajan would emerge as a leading actress in the industry after the film’s release.
Sharing insights into the post-production phase, Ranganathan revealed that work has already commenced, and announcements regarding the film’s audio, trailer, and worldwide theatrical release date are imminent.
‘Kadhale Kadhale’ explores the intricacies of love in the current generation and their perspectives on relationships. The star-studded cast includes Bharathiraja, Srija Ravi, VTV Ganesh, Raveena Ravi, Raj Ayyappa, among others, promising an engaging cinematic experience for audiences.