Bollywood stars Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani stole the spotlight at the opulent pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant in Jamnagar. The dynamic duo, dazzling in ethnic attire, showcased an exquisite blend of charm and elegance during the third day of celebrations. Sidharth Malhotra, sharing moments on Instagram, expressed gratitude to the Ambani family for a memorable weekend, capturing the radiant couple in their resplendent traditional outfits.
In a pink saree, Kiara Advani looked stunning, while Sidharth Malhotra exuded royal charm in a white sherwani adorned with intricate golden embroidery. The couple’s impeccable sense of style left an enduring impression amid the celebratory ambiance. Kiara Advani, in her Instagram post, thanked the Ambani family for an exciting weekend, celebrating the love between Radhika and Anant.
The first day’s itinerary, making waves on social media, highlighted the much-anticipated performance by international pop star Rihanna, marking her debut on the Indian stage. The video snippets from the venue unveiled specially arranged tents to accommodate the influx of guests participating in the three-day extravaganza.
Pop sensation Rihanna inaugurated the festivities at the Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant pre-wedding celebrations in Jamnagar, adding a significant buzz to social media platforms. This event marks Rihanna’s maiden performance in India, drawing attention to the grandeur of the three-day celebration, evident in the meticulously arranged tents welcoming guests to partake in the joyous occasion.