In a solemn event, the revered Tamil actor, Vijayakanth, succumbed to illness on December 28, with his mortal remains consigned to the flames at his office in Koyambedu. The funeral, attended by a throng of mourners, saw numerous celebrities paying their final respects. Some, however, were unable to attend due to prior commitments.
Today, on January 4, actor Karthi, accompanied by his father, the esteemed actor Sivakumar, visited the tomb of the late Vijayakanth to offer garlands in a poignant tribute.
Speaking to the media after the homage, Karthi conveyed his profound sorrow at the loss of the veteran actor. He expressed the enduring impact of missing Vijayakanth’s funeral on his heart and spoke of his admiration for the late actor’s leadership qualities, particularly in his role as a leader in Nadigar Sangam.
Sivakumar, reflecting on cherished moments shared with Vijayakanth during their collaboration in three films, commended the late actor’s diligence, highlighting his pivotal role in organizing a successful event for Kalaingar Karunanithi in 1996. Sivakumar also lauded Vijayakanth’s philanthropy, citing numerous contributions, and described him as an irreplaceable figure in the industry.
Vijayakanth, accorded state honors, was cremated at his office in Koyambedu. The family has announced plans to construct a memorial in honor of the iconic actor and politician, commemorating his inspirational legacy.