Renowned actor Harry Johnson, known for his diverse roles in television series such as the original ‘Battlestar Galactica,’ ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer,’ various Dick Wolf productions, and his iconic portrayal in the ‘Harry & Louise’ ads, passed away on January 2 at the age of 81 in Los Angeles after battling a prolonged illness.
Confirmation of his demise came from his wife, Christiane, who shared the news with the media. Born on December 27, 1942, in Plainfield, New Jersey, Johnson, formerly known as Chip Johnson in the 1970s and 1980s, stood out as one of Universal Studios’ last contract performers.
Initiating his screen career with the multi-part pilot episode of ‘Battlestar Galactica’ in 1978, Johnson went on to make guest appearances in numerous TV series, including ‘MAS*H,’ ‘Quincy M.E.,’ ‘The Incredible Hulk,’ ‘Simon & Simon,’ ‘The Greatest American Hero,’ ‘Highway to Heaven,’ ‘The A-Team,’ ‘Who’s the Boss?,’ ‘Thirtysomething,’ ‘Melrose Place,’ ‘Party of Five,’ ‘Days of Our Lives,’ and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer.’
Recognized as a prominent ADR voice actor, Johnson contributed to several Need for Speed video games and served as the voice-over or looping group on numerous Dick Wolf episodes, encompassing the entire ‘Law & Order’ and ‘Chicago’ series for over two decades.
In addition to his television roles, Johnson also appeared in films such as ‘Real Genius,’ ‘Warlock,’ and ‘The Spitfire Grill,’ as well as various TV films, including the notable ‘Time Warp,’ where he co-starred with Batman veteran Adam West.
Notably, Johnson gained widespread attention for portraying Harry in the ‘Harry & Louise’ TV and radio commercials, which opposed President Bill Clinton’s health-care proposal in 1993-94. Sponsored by the Health Insurance Association of America, these ads gained immense popularity, leading to response ads from the Democratic National Committee.
In subsequent years, Johnson reprised his role alongside Louise Claire Clark in election-year ads in 2000 and 2004. The duo returned in 2008, endorsing a commercial in support of President Barack Obama’s health-care proposal.
Beyond his acting career, Johnson, who wrote books under the pen name Harry Castle, published his debut novel, ‘Fugitive Romance: The Fictional Memoir of a Hollywood Screenwriter,’ in 2013, followed by ‘Miracles & Misfits,’ a collection of short stories.
Described by his wife as someone who loved sailing and brought humor to his workplaces, Johnson is survived by his stepchildren Oliver and Penelope, as well as his wife of 15 years, Christiane. His colleagues remember him for his ability to infuse lightness into any setting, making work enjoyable for those around him.