After making a significant impact with the pan-India blockbuster KGF, Kannada actor Tarak Ponnappa is making waves in the Telugu film industry. Ponnappa, who has already made a mark with several Telugu films, is currently engaged in the shooting of Jr NTR’s ambitious action drama, ‘Devara.’ In an exclusive interview with Hyderabad Times, he shares insights into his breakthrough in Tollywood, his experience working with Jr NTR, and the potential role in Allu Arjun’s highly anticipated ‘Pushpa 2.’
Dark and Intense Role in ‘Devara’: Speculations abound that Tarak Ponnappa is set to portray the antagonist in ‘Devara.’ When questioned about his role, he cryptically states, “Director Koratala Siva garu has conceived a very dark and intense character for me. We recently completed a 15-16 day-long action sequence, and the talkie portion is currently in progress.” Ponnappa earned the role by impressing the ‘Devara’ team with his acting and audition videos, showcasing his proficiency in Telugu, a skill that enhances his ability to express emotions effectively.
Jr NTR’s Down-to-Earth Persona: Reflecting on his experience working with Jr NTR, Ponnappa commends the superstar’s down-to-earth nature. “I’ll be very frank. Usually, when people reach the superstardom that Jr NTR sir enjoys, it’s common for their attitude and behavior to undergo a transformation. However, when I met NTR sir, he was incredibly friendly. It took me by surprise. He was very kind, spoke to me well, and even recognized me from KGF.”
Potential Role in ‘Pushpa 2’: Ponnappa is currently in discussions for a role in Allu Arjun’s much-anticipated ‘Pushpa 2.’ However, he remains cautiously optimistic, stating, “As of now, it has not been finalized yet. I have to finish ‘Devara,’ and by the time ‘Pushpa’ starts, it might be a little challenging. So, I have to wait and see.”
Fondness for Hyderabad: Expressing his love for Hyderabad and its culture, Ponnappa reveals, “I love Hyderabadi Biryani and the city. I feel very much at home here. The people are so warm and friendly.”