In a heartwarming reunion, Teja Sajja, the lead actor of the super hit film ‘Hanu Man’, known for his portrayal of the superhero Hanumanthu, recently met with Nithiin, renowned for his role as a Hanuman devotee in ‘Sri Anjaneyam’. Teja Sajja took to his Instagram handle to share pictures of their joyful meeting, capturing candid moments of laughter. The caption read, “HanuMan × Sri Anjaneyam P.C. @siddu_buoy,” acknowledging the reunion and the similarity of their roles. Siddu Jonnalagadda, the photographer, was also mentioned in the caption.
The images delighted fans on social media, showing the actors grinning and expressing affection. Fans flooded the comments section with heart emojis, referring to the duo as “SUPERHEROES TOGETHER” and reminiscing about the nostalgia of ‘Sri Anjaneyam’ as an emotion for 90s kids.
Meanwhile, Yash emerges as a strong contender for the role of Hanuman in ‘Jai HanuMan’ after declining Ravan’s role in Nitesh Tiwari’s ‘Ramayana’.
Following the success of ‘Hanu Man’, Teja Sajja gears up for his next venture, directed by Karthik Ghattamaneni, whose recent film ‘Eagle’ starring Ravi Teja is currently running in theaters.
Nithiin, the star of ‘Sri Anjaneyam’, is currently occupied with the filming of ‘Thammudu’, while Siddu Jonnalagadda is set to grace theaters on March 29, 2024, with his upcoming film ‘Tillu Square’, a sequel to the highly enjoyed ‘DJ Tillu’.