In a much-anticipated development, the upcoming film “Unarvugal Thodarkathai,” featuring Hrishikesh of “Velaiilla Pattadhari” fame and Sherlin Seth, is set to hit the screens on March 8, 2024. Directed by Balu Sharma, the romantic drama has successfully obtained a U/A certification from the Censor Board, heightening the anticipation among eager audiences.
The film revolves around the character Karthik, portrayed by Hrishikesh, who is employed in a wealth management start-up. Sherlin Seth, crowned Miss India Tamil Nadu 2017, takes on the role of a business development manager in a corporate firm. The plot unfolds as the two navigate their relationship, delving into an intriguing past.
Adding to the ensemble, RJ Ajai plays Hrishikesh’s friend in this romantic entertainer. The musical backdrop is crafted by Hari Dafusia, enhancing the overall cinematic experience. As the release date approaches, fans are eagerly awaiting the on-screen chemistry and the unfolding of the captivating narrative in “Unarvugal Thodarkathai.”