In a heartwarming tribute to Mother’s Day, Tirth Joisher, the 17-year-old actor renowned for his role as the younger version of Sidharth Malhotra in ‘Yodha’, sheds light on the pivotal role his mother, Bharti Joisher, plays in his life. Acknowledging her unwavering support, Joisher credits his ability to balance his acting career with academics to his mother’s dedication.
“Skipping classes due to shooting is not uncommon for me. However, my mother ensures I stay updated with my studies by communicating with my teachers, procuring notes, and aiding me in learning them,” shares Joisher, emphasizing the instrumental role his mother plays in his academic success.
Describing his mother as both a friend and mentor, Joisher reflects on the invaluable lessons she imparted since his childhood, emphasizing the importance of values, ethics, and responsibility. He admires her unwavering resilience in the face of adversity, noting her ability to confront challenges with a smile and positivity.
Expressing gratitude for his mother’s unwavering support, Joisher emphasizes the reciprocal nature of their bond, stating, “My mother’s world revolves around me, and mine around her. I’m everything for her, and she’s everything for me. She’s my best friend and mentor at the same time.”
On the occasion of Mother’s Day, Joisher plans to express his appreciation through thoughtful gestures, including baking her favorite cakes and pastries, indulging in a shopping spree, treating her to a memorable dinner, and ensuring a clean and tidy environment at home.
Joisher’s tribute serves as a poignant reminder of the profound influence mothers have on their children’s lives and the importance of expressing gratitude for their unconditional love and support.