In his recently published memoir, renowned filmmaker Ed Zwick delves into the behind-the-scenes moments of Hollywood star Tom Cruise’s emotional performance in the 2003 period drama, ‘The Last Samurai.’ Zwick reveals how he played a pivotal role in helping Cruise tap into genuine emotions for a particular scene.
Zwick, in his memoir titled ‘Hits, Flops, and Other Illusions: My Fortysomething Years,’ reminisces about observing Cruise’s soft side during the filming of ‘The Last Samurai.’ The director noted Cruise’s genuine and caring demeanor towards a young actor in an earlier scene, linking it to his close bond with his then 8-year-old son, Connor, shared with ex-wife Nicole Kidman, as reported by
Seeking to draw out more authenticity from Cruise’s performance, Zwick took a strategic approach. During a critical moment with limited time for the upcoming scene, Zwick pulled Cruise aside and prompted him to share thoughts about his son. “Tell me about your son,” Zwick urged, aware that Connor had recently returned to Los Angeles, and Tom would be separated from him for a while. Cruise, initially surprised, took a moment before opening up about his feelings towards Connor.
Zwick vividly describes the impact of this conversation, stating, “It doesn’t matter what he said in those few short moments in the fading light. I watched as he looked inward, and a window seemed to open, and his eyes softened.”
As the daylight dwindled, creating time constraints for the impending scene, Cruise, inspired by the emotional exchange, delivered a standout performance, impressing both Zwick and the film’s crew.
Exiting the set after the successful take, Zwick recalls a moment of acknowledgment from Cruise. Making eye contact, Cruise silently mouthed a “thank you” to the director, sealing a collaborative effort that enhanced the emotional depth of ‘The Last Samurai.’