In an exciting cinematic collaboration, “May December” star Charles Melton and acclaimed actor Elizabeth Olsen are set to share the screen in Todd Solondz’s upcoming film, “Love Child.” The project, touted as a “darkly comic” venture, will be produced by a stellar team including Cindy Bru of Volition Media, Christine Vachon of Killer Films, David Hinojosa of 2AM, and Ford Corbett of Gramercy Park Media.
Variety reports that “Love Child” revolves around Misty, trapped in a loveless marriage with a domineering husband, finding solace in her precocious 11-year-old, Junior. The plot takes a twist when a charming vagabond stranger named Easy enters the scene. Junior, determined to free his mother from the clutches of his father, concocts a plan. However, as events unfold, Junior’s schemes lead to unexpected and disastrous consequences.
The official synopsis hints at a tale filled with dark humor and unforeseen twists. The film boasts an executive producer lineup including Michael Jefferson, Adam Beasley, Atilla Yucer, Joshua Harris, and Steven Farneth.
Charles Melton, 33, has been garnering praise for his recent performance in Todd Haynes’ 2023 film “May December,” where he stars alongside Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore. Recognized for his role as Reggie Mantle in the popular series “Riverdale” and appearances in blockbuster films like “The Sun Is Also a Star,” “Bad Boys for Life,” and “Heart of Champions,” Melton is undoubtedly making waves in the entertainment industry.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Olsen, known for her iconic portrayal of Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has an impressive filmography that includes titles such as “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Captain America: Civil War,” “Avengers: Infinity War,” and “Avengers: Endgame.” Her diverse acting range extends to films like “Oldboy,” “Godzilla,” “Wind River,” and television series such as “WandaVision” and “Love & Death.”
As anticipation builds for the release of “Love Child,” fans can look forward to a captivating blend of talent and storytelling in this upcoming cinematic venture.