In a groundbreaking casting announcement, Tom Felton, renowned for his role as Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series, has officially joined the cast of the highly anticipated streaming series ‘Gandhi.’ Directed by Hansal Mehta, the period drama features Felton alongside Pratik Gandhi, who portrays the titular role of Mahatma Gandhi.
Felton will portray Josiah Oldfield, Gandhi’s close friend during his time studying law in London. The ensemble cast also includes Bhamini Oza as Kasturba Gandhi, the Mahatma’s wife. Described as India’s equivalent to ‘The Crown,’ the series promises to offer a compelling portrayal of Gandhi’s early years, with significant scenes filmed in London.
Expressing his excitement for the project, Felton stated, “I’m thrilled to be part of the journey in depicting Gandhi’s early years in London. It’s an important aspect of history that hasn’t been told on screen before, and to be working with Hansal and Pratik is an honour and pleasure.”
Production on the series began in January 2024, with Mehta recently unveiling a first-look poster of Bhamini Oza in character as Kasturba Gandhi on the special occasion of her birth anniversary. Mehta commented, “We are privileged to introduce the extraordinary Bhamini Oza as she embodies the strength, grace, and resilience of ‘Ba,’ a figure revered both in life and politics.”
Based on the acclaimed works of historian Ramachandra Guha, including ‘Gandhi Before India’ and ‘Gandhi – The Years that Changed the World,’ the series is poised to offer a captivating insight into the life and legacy of one of history’s most influential figures.