In a highly-anticipated debut for anime enthusiasts, the widely acclaimed webtoon ‘True Beauty’ by Yaongyi is set to hit screens in 2024, marking its animated premiere. The sneak peek was recently unveiled during IGN Fan Fest, generating excitement among fans of the genre.
Scheduled for streaming on Crunchyroll, the series is poised to captivate audiences across multiple regions, including North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, CIS, and India. The countdown to the release is on, promising viewers a tale of beauty, intrigue, and self-discovery.
The narrative follows Jugyeong, a girl who, in an effort to escape past bullying, undergoes a transformative journey through the art of makeup. Seeking a fresh start, she enrolls in Saebom High School, known for producing idols, actors, and influencers. The school’s unique tradition involves anonymous voting for the coveted title of the True Beauty goddess, an accolade often translating into opportunities in the entertainment industry.
Jugyeong rises to prominence, securing the coveted title of the next goddess candidate at Saebom High. Navigating the intricate social scene alongside Sujin, a former two-time goddess, Jugyeong uncovers Sujin’s hidden agenda to undermine her with cunning tactics.
Refusing to be a victim again, Jugyeong confronts Sujin, vowing to secure the title. Engaging in an intense voting competition while concealing her makeup-free face becomes a crucial part of her journey. Suho Lee, the school heartthrob, accidentally sees Jugyeong without makeup, and the mysterious SeoJun Han appears, determined to unveil her true identity.
As Jugyeong’s story intertwines with Suho and SeoJun, an exciting adventure of beauty, mystery, and self-discovery unfolds. The narrative explores whether Jugyeong can withstand the pressures of a beauty-centric world or succumb to its demands.
Fans worldwide eagerly anticipate a deep dive into the captivating universe of ‘True Beauty’ as they get a sneak peek into the upcoming anime. With the release date approaching, anime enthusiasts can brace themselves for an enchanting and suspenseful journey into the glamorous world of ‘True Beauty.’