In the upcoming Malayalam spinoff film “Marco,” Mollywood heartthrob Unni Mukundan is set to captivate audiences with his portrayal of the villainous character named Marco. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Haneef Adeni, the movie promises to deliver a gripping action-packed experience. Mukundan’s recent social media teasers have hinted at the intensity of his character, promising viewers the most violent depiction ever seen in Malayalam cinema. The actor’s transformation into Marco was unveiled during the film’s puja ceremony, showcasing his menacing appearance in an all-black ensemble, complete with a rugged beard and sleek navy cut hairstyle. Alongside “Marco,” Mukundan has a slew of diverse projects in the pipeline, including “Get-Set Baby,” “Mindiyum Paranjum,” “Gandharva Jr,” and “Garudan.” His most recent film outing was in Ranjith Sankar’s directorial “Jai Ganesh.”