In the latest buzz from the film industry, actor and music composer Vijay Antony, known for his lead role in the 2023 film ‘Raththam’, is rumored to be teaming up with acclaimed director Arun Prabhu Purushothaman, renowned for his work on ‘Aruvi’. Reports from News 18 suggest that Antony will join forces with Purushothaman once he fulfills his current acting commitments.
It’s reported that Vijay Antony was drawn to the storyline of Purushothaman’s new project and has given his nod to star in the film. Furthermore, the film will be produced under Antony’s own banner. While an official announcement is yet to be made, it’s anticipated that details regarding the cast and crew will surface soon.
Vijay Antony has a busy schedule ahead with several projects in the pipeline, including ‘Khakee’, ‘Agni Siragugal’, ‘Hitler’, ‘Romeo’, and ‘Valli Mayil’. Fans eagerly await further updates on this promising collaboration between Antony and Purushothaman.